
An ACL Tear That Heals Itself?

This common knee injury typically requires reconstruction surgery, but a new type of treatment that harnesses biologics is changing that.

Ready about it here:

Orthonova® Advanced Formula is now patented! The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued patent number 11,324,246 for Orthonova® Advanced Formula - the most effective and unique joint support product available. SO unique that it is patented!

Boswellia is being recognized as a major player in treating joint inflammation and discomfort. Boswellia is one of the most important anti-inflammatory ingredients in Orthonova® Advanced Formula.

Read the study here:

NIH study on Glucosamine and Chondroitin offers clinical data that proves they're largely ineffective. Orthonova® AF doesn't contain either. It's an all-natural joint powerhouse that supports you and all the things you want to do!

Read the study results here:

NEW PRICE! Due to lower manufacturing costs, we have lowered pricing for Orthonova® Advanced Formula!

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All About the Stages of Osteoarthiritis of the Knee

Here are the stages of knee arthritis - from a normal knee to a severely damaged one. Orthonova® Advanced Formula is designed to attack the underlying causes of knee issues and support a healthy knee.

Studies Show Chondroitin and Glucosamine to be Ineffective and No Better Than Placebo

Despite the popularity of Chondroitin and Glucosamine in mainstream supplements, evidence shows that these ingredients have mixed results at best and are wholly ineffective at worse.

Healthline: The Difference Between Inflammatory and Non-Inflammatory Osteoarthiritis

Even though it's called non-inflammatory arthritis, OA can still result in some inflammation of the joints. Orthonova® AF supports

your joints and helps keep them moving and comfortable.

Another great piece on important ingredients. Orthonova® Advanced Formula contains Type II Collagen, Boswellia Serrata and Turmeric Curcumin along with 6 other important and powerful ingredients in a revolutionary formulation that attacks joint issues and supports joint health.

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Astaxanthin is a marine caretenoid algae that has always been one of the foundational ingredients of Orthonova® Advanced Formula. This article highlights a few of the reasons that it isn't just for joint inflammation...

#jointpainrelief #naturalproducts #osteoarthritis #immuneboost #immunesupport #jointsupplement #painmanagement

Turmeric Curcumin is getting a lot of press these days - and for good reason! It's one of the most important ingredients in Orthonova® Advanced Formula!

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